
Clara’s BCST School/Teaching

Stillpoint School for Biodynamic Cranial Therapy is a two year training for students who are interested in becoming certified as Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists. Stillpoint was born from Clara’s vision to bring Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), to New York City after the 9/11 tragedy. It was a time when offering a deep healing modality to New York City seemed essential. In response, the inspiration rose to create a home in New York for this deep form of healing. With support from Franklyn Sills, her teacher and a world renound innovator in the field, she established the first training course in NYC in 2005.

The curriculum is based on Franklyn Sills’ 30 years of experience developing and teaching BCST Foundation Trainings as founder of the Karuna Institute in England. Clara and her teaching staff, are wholeheartedly honored to teach this work and to share this body of knowledge with others.

In the training, students learn to perceive the subtle rhythmic pulsations and motions that primary respiration generates, and to respond to the healing intentions of the human system. They learn to orient to the client’s history, which is expressed in the dynamics of the fluids, cells, and tissues of the body. Students also learn to relate clinically to patterns of trauma, distress, and illness within the context of intrinsic health. The intention is to encourage new levels of order and balance in mind and body.

Over a fifteen-year period, Stillpoint has completed four full Foundation Trainings, and graduated over 120 students. Clara is continually inspired by this humbling form of healing, its teachings, and the students who are drawn to it.

For more information on our training and post graduate workshops, go to